Spooky Splash


Archers of the Witch Kingdom, prepare your bows and arrows, to smash down eerie Pumpkin Heads at the Spooky Splash

A simple straight-forward point & shoot game, laced with few surprises to keep things interesting. 

The Game Play:

You play as a Witch brandishing a bow, has to arrowhead a certain number of colored pumpkin heads in each level to progress, before the in-game time runs out. But the catch is you will be given only a limited amount arrows to accomplish the task at each level.

Complete all 20 Levels in less than Five Minutes!

The game has a total of 20 levels. The player is challenged to complete all those levels in less than five minutes. Yeah! you heard it right five minutes. Sounds crazy? But that's what makes this game unique and interesting.

I managed to get to level 12 before I failed, with more than one and a half minutes remaining. So with practice completing all 20 levels is possible within five minutes.

As you progress to higher levels, the difficulty level will also go up. There are levels where the player will have only one arrow at disposal to complete the entire level. With the in-game clock briskly ticking towards the end and the player with only one arrow, the pressure will be paramount. But special items that may be scattered in that level which may help the player to complete it successfully.

 The Special Items List

Spooky Splash spawns a list of Special Items at player's disposal from starting Level 8. These Special Items can be a real pleasure or pain, which will greatly determine whether a player will move on to the next level or not.

A list of Special Items as shown in the instruction
at the beginning of Spooky Splash

Single Arrow - Hit the Single Arrow item with an arrow and the next arrow you use will not get deducted from your arrow inventory.

Two Spear - is represented by two mirrored black cats close to each other in standing position. When you hit a Two Spear, the cats will start moving in opposite directions horizontally, destroying or triggering any objects in its path.

Three Arrows - Hit Three Arrows item with an arrow and you can fire three arrows simultaneously in your next turn without affecting the arrow inventory.

Sword - Hit the Sword item to raze any objects right underneath it.

Spike - Hit the Spike item to blast any objects surrounding it.

Pillar Block - is a solid rocky block. Arrows can't get past it.

Wood Block - Arrows can break a wooden block but will not blast past it.

Rubber Block - An arrow that hits a Rubber Block will get deflected.

Packman - is a symbolized by a skeleton head. When a player manages to hit a Packman with an arrow, he/she has to use the keyboard up, down, right and left keys instead of the mouse, to move the skeleton head with animated jaws to eat up the pumpkin heads.

Spider - is represented by a spider on the web. When you hit a Spider, it will trap any objects around it with its web, making it invulnerable.

Fire - As I'm yet to come across this item, I can only presume that it will burn objects around it. I managed to get only up to Level 12. So you may encounter this item probably in any of the levels from Level 13 to Level 20.

You can take a peek at almost all the Special Items except Fire, in the following animated game play images posted below:

A Glimpse of Game Play from Level 1 to Level 12

Level 1 Requirement - 4 Arrows, 10 Red Pumpkin Heads

10 Pumpkin Heads splashed with a Single Arrow. Hail the Master!

Level 2 Requirement - 4 Arrows, 10 Red Pumpkin Heads

12 Pumpkin Heads with 2 Arrows

Level 3 Requirement - 4 Arrows, 20 Red Pumpkin Heads

Splashed 22 Pumpkin Heads with 3 Arrows

Level 4 Requirement - 4 Arrows, 20 Red Pumpkin Heads
Smashed 28 with just 3 Arrows!

Level 5 Requirement - 4 Arrows, 20 Red Pumpkin Heads
Got 26 with 3 Arrows.

 Level 6 Requirement - 6 Arrows, 20 Red Pumpkin Heads

21 Pumpkin Heads with 4 Arrows. Meh! Could've done better.

Level 7 Requirement - 5 Arrows, 20 Red Pumpkin Heads
Mashed 22 Pumpkin Heads with 3 Arrows. Not Bad!

Level 8 Requirement - 4 Arrows, 20 Red Pumpkin Heads
Used all 4 Arrows to get 22. Close Call!

Level 9 Requirement - 1 Arrow, 6 Green Pumpkin Heads
Acumen of a True Professional. Take a Bow!

 Level 10 Requirement - 6 Arrows, Red, Green & Yellow Pumpkin Heads of 10 each

Job well done! Smashed 47 Pumpkin Heads
21 Red, 11 Yellow, 15 Green

 Level 11 Requirement - 2 Arrows, 10 Yellow Pumpkin Heads

Nailed it again! 10 Yellow Pumpkin Heads with a Single Arrow.

Level 12 Requirement - 1 Arrow, Yellow and Violet Pumpkin Heads of 3 each

Don't hit the Spider Web, you will miserably fail like me :(

Verdict - 8/10:

Spooky Splash keeps the player always on their toes. Constantly pushing one to take less time to complete a level, limiting resources while demanding greater accuracy with good hand eye coordination are the facts synonymous with Spooky Splash's fast-paced, rich and interesting game play.

Five minutes of real challenge, pushes one to try again and again to better their previous achievements. Certainly, one of my favorite game at www.SKill4Win.com.

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